The Amazing Adventures of the Fabulous Alex, Roxy and Tiger

The Amazing Adventures of the Fabulous Alex, Roxy and Tiger


This feel-good book which offers everyone hope, follows Alex, Tiger and Roxy on their quest to stop ecological disasters, end prejudices and injustices, help others find their potential in life, and if they have time, save the world from a potential disaster!

The book also contains 6 one-minute videos to allow readers to develop themselves. Each video provides the key skills needed to find success, along with a measurement tool that will help children and adults identify strengths and areas for improvement.



Alex is different. She has not one, but two special powers. However, she can’t communicate what she knows and often becomes frustrated because of this.

When this happens, she goes into her ‘Alex Zone’ where she is totally quiet and withdrawn, sometimes for a few brief seconds, and sometimes longer, even for hours on end. This response is her way of disengaging from people she doesn’t like or noises that scare her. She uses this time to review and resolve the situation.

But she does have a best friend called Roxy. Roxy is a beautiful, smart and loyal labra-poodle dog.

But Roxy wasn’t always this way. She had a poor early start in life as she was mistreated by her original owners. However, since Alex adopted her, and started to care for her, Roxy has become a special dog, who now helps Alex solve situations she finds herself in and helps her communicate with the world.

They don’t know it yet, but they are about to em‘bark’ on a quest to stop ecological disasters, stop prejudices and injustices, help others find their potential in life, and if they have time, save the world from a potential disaster.

Along their journey, they come across ‘Tiger’ and together the three become inseparable. On their own, they lack knowledge and skills and don’t really fit into their respective worlds. But together, with their shared experiences and talents, they develop into an invincible force for good. They will fear nobody.


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Join CUPPA and Katy on their journey in this collection of books, written to grow the mindsets of young children and promote positivity, self esteem, confidence, resilience and empathy.
© 2021 Ross McWilliam
website byJForth
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